Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Luck of the Irish Mani

Hello Nail Surfers

Welcome to My Beach

For those who don't know yet .. Cheeky's 2013 Set will be released in 
about 4 weeks. And they also have said that this year they will be 
selling their products on EBay also. :)

Now Cheeky has shown the next plate. 
"Happy Holidays"
Plate 6
So that means I can post Mani's using this plate.


My Nails seem to be getting a tad bit to long again.
It feels like I just filed them down not to long ago.

I really like how I have a few choices for each Holiday.
That means I can do more Mani's and they'll still be 
different from the rest.

Do you like doing Holiday Mani's?
I enjoy them from time to time.

Psst.. A giveaway here coming soon.. :)

Thank you for surfing my wave.
I hope you enjoyed your visit at My Beach.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Fred Flintstones Mani

Hello Nail Surfers

Welcome to My Beach

With this Mani I really had fun putting it all together.
There is some tip wear in my pic because I was not able to
photograph this til the next day. And yes those beads held up
over night and through a bunch of dish washing the following day.


This was one of those colors I just had to have.
It covered in 2 coats and dried quickly.
I used my "trusty" Black stamping polish ( Mash Nails) along with
Mash Nails Matte Finish Polish.
I used Cheeky's 2013 Jumbo Plate 4
Chocolate Vanity Plate 56 
A Full review will be coming soon on these plates.
You can check out Chocolate Vanity on Facebook  
or their Blog page (but hasn't been updated in awhile now)

I really-really Love all these images. And yes the shipping is a little steep but
for these rare images 1 time paying high shipping is worth it.
Like I said a "full review on these plates is still to come.
I have only putz with a few images  so far.
I also used Mash Nails White Gems for Wilma's Pearls.

So what do you think about Plate 12-56?
Are these images you would use?
Which is your favorite image?

Thank you for surfing my wave.
I hope you enjoyed your visit at My Beach.

Mega Phone Art

Hello Nail Surfers

Welcome to My Beach

I had just picked up this totally awesome Purple and Yellow Polish.
I probably already have these exact colors but from a different Brand already.
But I did not want to take that chance and miss these.
I so had to use it together.


I used Mash Nails Black for stamping and MyOnline Shop special Yellow
stamping polish. I love how bold this Yellow stamps even over a deep Purple 
like this.

4 More Weeks and these Beauties can be yours.
I can't wait.
Which Plate is your Favorite?

Thank you for surfing my wave.
I hope you enjoyed your visit at My Beach.

A Fun Cheery Cheeky Mani

Hello Nail Surfers

Welcome to My Beach

I have had an extremely busy lately.
We had just rescued a German Shepard Mix on Monday night.
The new addition to our family is Porsha.
Well Porsha decided to escape from us in less than 24hrs of us owning her.
She bolted out the back door. It started to snow and was already getting
dark outside. To add to this and the freezing temperature she did listen when we called
for her. We did end up catching her in the end. She is a hand full outside, But inside
she is so wonderful and listens extremely well.

With that being said I do have Mani's to share still.

Cheeky Beauty has now said the New 2013 Jumbo Set is to be released in  about
4 weeks now...


I did a simple gradient and stamped with Mash Nails Black
and topped with Mash Nails Matte Finish.

Even tho these plates have the curve for a french Mani I am still able to use these images
on my long nails.Any of those who may also struggle with the width of images these plates will
defiantly make the cut. I have wide nail beds and I actually get to do clean up now with these.

The plates will be for sale in about 4 weeks.
They will be first released on 

Thank you for surfing my wave.
I hope you enjoyed your visit at My Beach.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Where's your BFF?

Hello Nail Surfers

Welcome to My Beach

I have a bunch of Mani's I'm posting today.
Cheeky Beauty just previewed Plate 4 Today.
And therefore I am allowed now to post Mani's I have done with  this plate.
It's Blog Nail Spam and FB Nail Spam Today.


These testing plates stamp amazing.
I can't wait for the Final production for these plates..
I used 'Top of the Class"Plate 4

These plates have not been released yet.
But as soon as they do I will share it all with you
along with the links to get them :)
It'll be on first

Thank You for surfing my wave.
I hope you enjoyed your visit at My Beach.

Science Fair Award

Hello Nail Surfers

Welcome to My Beach

I had the pleasure of being lucky and being able to 
have Cheeky's New Jumbo Plates to test out.
I tested each and every image in all 10 plates.
I also still made my Mani's as often as I do.
These plates are truly amazing and I myself can't
wait for the final release. Some things were tweaked,
so I am as exciting as you all are. 
What was tweaked?
I do not know. It could be image sizes or more details even.
It'll be a surprise.


I am trying to use images that I've seen other request for plates.
If you spot a certain image you would like to see, 
Please let me know. I will try my best to make a Mani or 
even a skittle Mani for you.
This set is not for sale just yet. But soon!
I will ask for a more update on release day.

Thank You for surfing my wave.
I hope you enjoyed your visit at My Beach

Woo Gives a Hoot

Hello Nail Surfers

Welcome to My Beach

Cheeky Beauty has just shared their 4th Plate
"Top of the Class"
I have been holding onto to Mani and a few others also.
Once Cheeky posts the Plate than I can post Mani's
using the plates. So yes I have been busy lately.


These Plates are not yet ready for release.
But when they are they will be available on 

Thank You for surfing my wave.
I hope you enjoyed your visit at My Beach.

Snake Skin Mani

Hello Nail Surfers

Welcome to My Beach

As many of you may already know that I have Mash Nail's
New products. And these pearls were just staring back at me saying 
come on lady pick me...,pick me. So I sat and stared at all the colors.
And I new I wanted to use a different color than I've seen already used.
Plus I didn't want to pick a color that was similar to a base Mani that I had just done
recently. And the lucky winner was "Teal"
Now all I needed was an image or more thought for my 8 other fingers.
I came up with this Mani.


The "Teal Pearls" are by Mash Nails
After my polished dried I applied the acrylic paints with a sponge.
After the acrylic dried I applied a TC.
I then used Mash 19. But I used the image sideways.
So I doubled stamped each snake nail using My trusty Black polish.
I used topcoat to adhere Mash's Pearls.
 These were fairly easy to apply. Just make sure you pour them close
to your work surface.They do bounce and will end up everywhere.
Having the funnel made it so much easier for the excess Pearls.

Would you use Pearls?
Caviar Nails.
 In my case it's Snake

Thank You for surfing my wave.
I hope you enjoyed your visit at My Beach.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Winstonia Plate sizes and Mani's

Hello Nail Surfers

Welcome to My Beach

I have the measurements of the Newest set.
This set can be found on
or  by clicking on --->Winstonia
I did measurements in Center Meters and also Inches



Left is Cheeky Summer Set
Center is Winstonia
Right is BM 3

These images are smaller than Cheeky Summer.
And just slightly smaller than BM 3

 If it wasn't for my squishy stamper these would not fit me.
I did double stamp on my middle finger. I missed the edge slightly when I first stamped it.
I used W 101
I used my lint roller trick and was able to test another image.
Again I had to stretch my stamper so the image would fit me.
I used W 111

Some people have issues stamping on curvy nails.
As you can see mine are very curvy also.
I use my squishy stamper and press into the image.
If my nails are really long or the curve is just to much and the pressure
hurts, I'll use my other hand in assistance to hold my nail.

Now knowing these images are workable are you gonna grab a set?
I am glad I did.

Thank you for surfing my wave.
I hope you enjoyed your visit at My Beach.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Winstonia Plates

Hello Nail Surfers

Welcome to My Beach

A New plate company has come out for the competition. 
"Winstonia" They were founded in 2011.
I guess their not all that new after all. But with stamping plate collections they are.



$15.95 a Set and 20 Plates in total.. 
Not to bad of a deal.There's alot of really really cute images here.

And even tho I spent last night chopping my nails down, these
will not make the cut for me.

Did you ever go for a hair cut and end up getting like 2 inch off and 
 go home and no one even notice?
Well that just happen to me but with my nails this time.

The images here seem to stamp really well. 
Okay,... They stamp extremely well. I was pretty impressed in the quality myself.
They do have a protective backing and of course the blue film on the plate.
The only thing I can say as a con for this set is the size of images.
I have long/wide nails so most sets are always a challenge for me anyways.

Bottom Line.... This is a Great Set with Excellent quality.
Defiantly a must have for those stamping addicts :) (Like Me)